Poplar Wood

Technical data and general information of Poplar Wood.

Poplar Wood Description

They are deciduous trees and large glasses, which can reach up to 35 meters and 2 meters in diameter. Its trunk is straight and cylindrical, with thick brown crust. This species supports severe frosts, and is of great plasticity expressed in its variety of hybrids. It prefers loamy, fertile, deep and aerated neutral pH.

in Chile under irrigation regime and silvicultural treatment, yields an output from 320 to 350 cubic meters per hectare per year trade volume in 1-year rotations, reaching a productivity between 30 and 40 cubic meters per hectare per year. It is estimated upland areas that rotation can be 15 years with similar productions to already mentioned.

Poplar Wood
Poplar Wood

Taxonomic Classification

Scientific Name:
Populus Alba



Chilean Name:
Álamo Blanco

Habitat of Poplar Trees

It’s original northern hemisphere. Recognized more than thirty species, which have obtained hundreds of high quality hybrid forest. In Chile is present from the Region of Coquimbo to the Aysen Region. It can be grown in rainfed areas where rainfall from September to March reach 400 to 600 mm, or in areas to ensure water supplies.

Poplar Wood Properties

Color Pale, Almost White
Knots Abundant
Growth Ring Inconspicuous
Fiber Right
Texture Soft
Nominal Density About 380 kg/m³

Uses or Applications of Poplar Wood

Poplar Wood is used in the Manufacture of:

  • Pulp
  • Particles
  • Wood lumber and rewound

More products matches are known, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, packaging boards and wood.

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